Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Honey Badger is Strange

This is fucking hilarious.  I can't stop watching it, but every time I do watch I can't help but think what the fuck is wrong with me?  I am 22 years old sitting in my house watching a mother fucking youtube video about a honey badger with a gay voice over.  And you know what, I don't give a shit, I'll laugh all by myself I don't care.

The most disturbing thing is not that this stupid video has almost 10,000 views, but that some man actually sat there and thought to record a voice over, put it with the video and then put it on youtube.  What??? Does he have a day job?  What type of person does this kind of shit? It's fucking strange.  Now I know once in a while I'll have this idea that I think is good, like when I wanted my eyebrow pierced, but I never go through with it.  Something in my brain stops me and says, hey this is pretty weird maybe think it over one more time.  Then I usually squash the idea.  But no, this gay man doesn't give a shit.  He is going through a mid-life crisis, shunned away in his parents' basement because they hate him and he can't find a partner to love him, he still uses his Elmo cup to drink chocolate milk out of, and talks to his best friend pet hamster, but he doesn't care he'll do voice overs all day.  He doesn't give a shit.  

Regardless, there are countless disturbing and just strange videos on youtube, and it blows my mind that there are people out there strange enough to record some of that shit.  We live on a weird mother fucking planet.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Writers Block is Strange

You know that time you had a really big paper to write, or a fucking good idea of a topic to write about, and you sat down but nothing could fucking come out of your head?

Well that is what we are experiencing here at Strange Shenanigans.
It's called mother fucking writers block, and it BLOWS.

We have tossed around multiple ideas of strange shit to write about, and fuck we have even written some posts and never published them.  Because our minds are fucking blocked.  It's like construction workers just climbed in our big brains and stopped the traffic that was previously flowing freely.


And you know what, it is fucking strange.  Everyone gets writers block once in a while, usually when a paper is due in 2 hours and for some reason we can't get the words in our brains to sound good in writing.  Even the phrase is strange.  "writers block" no, actually I think it's god just fucking with us again.

So until the blog gods decide they want us to be funny again, we will be brainstorming, writing, and not posting until we are fucking funny.